What’s the number one most important place in your office when you are trying to grow and scale your business?

The answer we usually get; is the very famous and well-known Meeting Room. This room is in every business regardless of industry where the business takes its potential and/or current clients to either impress them with numbers, scales, and testimonials or to create mastermind ideas that will make an impact.

This is exactly why a clean and well-presented meeting room is a fundamental asset for any ambitious company. From allowing the brain to think creatively and innovative to converting new customers.

Now, the question is: “How”?
How can you make sure you meet the standards that are so essential to your brand, without spending too much time, money or effort on the things that seem unimportant to you, yet essential to maintain?

Before we give you 4 step list of things to keep in mind, we would like to share with you a few ways your meeting room can downgrade your image:

  • The distinct scent of either coffee or food.
  • Noticeable stains.
  • The slightest dust around computers, screens or tables.
  • Sign of scruffiness, wear and tear.

Now onto the valuable steps: We at TLOCC has put together some valuable tips which will leave you with a set of tools which can help you and your team prepare your meeting rooms to shine and be perfectly professional.

Tool 1) A breath of fresh air will do magic!

The majority of offices these days are an open plan based. This means that your meeting room is at the risk of feeling stagnant and feature-poor ventilation. Stuffy, stale-smelling rooms are not contributory to a creative and/or productive meeting with clients.

Acknowledge the power of adding a definite plug-in air freshener or plant diffuser to your meeting room (remember to choose sent that is not too overpowering). Thumbnail rule, if your meeting room has windows, air the room out an hour before any visits.

2) Make it Milemalistic!

The essential understanding of following the minimalistic design element is based on the philosophy of having a clean and tidy space with no distractions. Only things that are valuable to you should show its presence. In other words, make sure to make it a culture in the office space to keep these spaces free of surface clutter and take a moment to wipe down all surfaces either before or after each meeting so that it’s ready to go for the next session. Thumbnail rule (depending on the amount of footfall traffic), it is recommended to vacuum two to three times weekly.

3) The attention to detail can be a game-changer!

When it comes to meetings that are longer than a quick catch up on the week. It is crucial to be aware of the reality that comes with being in one room for a long time. In such situations, there’s plentiful time for your visitor to examine the room they’re stuck in. Hence why it’s important for you to not overlook the details inside the room, which can make meeting rooms look professional. From rust on the inside of window frames to hideous bundles of wires and dust-besmirched screens. Thumbnail rule: If you can see it, your visitor has already seen it.

4) Invest in the experience

The potential ROI of investing in fresh flowers is simple, yet very beneficial! It not only provides a good smell but also a visual blessing look when a visitor enters the room. Additionally, in this time of heatwaves, it is very beneficial to invest in a water cooler, and a bowl of light and healthy snacks. Final thumbnail rule, remember to wipe the whiteboard, fill up the pen jar, and stack up on tissues.

Thank you for your attention. It means the absolute world to our team. We hope this piece of content helped you in even the slightest bit and if it did, please share with a friend/co-worker/etc. that could also benefit from this.

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